6 Nutrition Courses to Transform Your Career

Whether you’re looking for a career change or to further your education, there’s plenty of opportunities out there to do so. Let’s look at some of the most popular nutrition courses from the National Academy of Sports Medicine.

1) Ultimate Trainer Bundle

This program is by far the greatest value that NASM offers. After completing these courses, you’ll gain certification as a traditional certified nutrition coach, a certified sports nutrition coach, and have your choice of specializing further in areas such as weight loss, performance enhancement, and more.

2) Making Sense of Supplements Course

This course is a must among any nutrition professionals. Supplements are all the rage, but not many are aware of the dangers of overuse or taking the wrong kinds. Not only that, but many supplements aren’t even regulated by the FDA. This course will help clear the air and enable you to better reach your clients on the topic of supplements.

3) Plant Based Diets Course

Is being vegan right for you? How should you adjust your approach when working with vegan clients? This course goes into detail about plant based diets and important things to remember, like protein intake and balanced nutrition.

4) Certified Nutrition Coach Program

One of the best ways to advance your career is by earning an official certification. Whether you currently work as a personal trainer, in sports medicine, or in another related field, adding a nutrition certification will expand your clientele.

5) Navigating Diets Course

The nutrition world is constantly changing, and that’s partially due to the endless number of diets that come and go. This course is a great way to refresh your previous training and connect with clients when they come to you asking about something new they saw on TV.

6) Nutrition Hot Topics and Controversies Course

Part of being a nutritionist is setting yourself apart and finding your niche. No field is complete without its share of controversies, and you might feel lost in the discourse. Consider taking this course to learn more about ongoing debates and advancements in the field of nutrition.

It’s important to constantly expand our horizons by learning and seeking out new developments in the industry. These 6 nutrition courses are all a great way to do that. Which course would you recommend? Let us know in the comments below.

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